10 Tips for Taking Great Boating Photos of Kids

Tips for Taking Great Boating Photos of Kids

If you’re taking photos of your kids on a boat, it’s not just about taking the camera out and shooting. 

It’s about capturing the whole experience and capturing the joy and innocence of your kids. If you do it right, these photos will become treasured keepsakes that will last a lifetime. They’ll be like time capsules that show you back to all those fantastic family boating trips. 

So, if you want to get the most out of your boating photos, here are 10 expert tips on how to make them look amazing.

Understanding Basics of Photography

Before we delve into the tips for taking incredible boating photos of kids, it’s important to cover some photography basics.

One of the key aspects you need to understand is lighting. Natural light plays an integral role in outdoor photography. Understanding how you can leverage sunlight to illuminate your subjects beautifully is critical. Additionally, understanding angles can help a lot in getting more dynamic shots.

Changing your perspective can add depth to your photos and capture a different side of your subjects.

Importance of Safety When Taking Boating Photos

Safety takes precedence when taking photos on a boat, especially with kids. Ensure that all kids wear safety gear, such as life jackets.

This not only ensures their safety but can also add a colorful accent to your photos. Remember that safety comes first before any photography session.

Here Are 10 Tips for Taking Great Boating Photos of Kids

10 Tips for Taking Great Boating Photos of Kids
Photo: Mylovelyboat Team

Tip 1: Choose the Right Equipment

1 Apple Slices and Peanut Butter A Delightful Boat Trip Snack 1

The first step in capturing the perfect boating photos of kids is choosing the right equipment. A quality camera or smartphone will allow you to snap stunning pictures that bring your memories to life.

Consider investing in a waterproof or shockproof camera to prevent damage. Many waterproof cameras or protective cases are available on the market, which will protect your equipment from water damage and scratches.

If you’re using a smartphone, purchase a waterproof case to increase its durability and versatility. here some best waterproof cameras.

  1. VTech Kidizoom Action Cam 180: The VTech Kidizoom Action Cam 180 is a kid-friendly, waterproof camera perfect for adventurous kids who want to capture their underwater expeditions and action-packed activities.
  1. Ourlife Kids Waterproof Camera: Ourlife Kids Waterproof Camera is a durable, waterproof camera with high-resolution photo capture with easy-to-use interfaces and a fun, kid-friendly design.
  1. Nikon Coolpix W150 Kid-Friendly Camera: A high-quality, waterproof, shockproof, and dustproof camera that is easy to handle and operate, making it the perfect kid-friendly option for capturing underwater memories.

Tip 2: Understand Lighting Conditions

Boating presents unique challenges when it comes to lighting. The sun’s reflection on the water can create harsh shadows and overexposed images, which can impact the quality of your photos.

To address these challenges, try to leverage natural light by shooting during the golden hours (early morning or late afternoon). If additional lighting is needed, use a reflector or an external flash to balance the exposure.

Additionally, shoot with the sun behind you to avoid overexposed subjects and lens flare.

Tip 3: Compose the Shot

Compose the Shot
Photo: Mylovelyboat Team

Composition is crucial for creating visually appealing images. Use principles such as the rule of thirds (dividing the image into nine equal squares) and leading lines (using elements in the image to direct the viewer’s eye) to create dynamic and exciting boating photos.

For example, position your subject (the child) at one of the intersecting lines on the rule of thirds grid. You could also use the boat’s railing or a rope as a leading line to guide the viewer’s eye to the child.

Experiment with different compositions to find what works best for your specific scenario.

Tip 4: Capture Genuine Expressions and Emotions

Capture Genuine Expressions and Emotions
Photo: Mylovelyboat Team

Photographing children during boating adventures offers the perfect opportunity to capture many real emotions and expressions. Engage kids with fun, water-related activities that keep them excited and natural.

These genuine responses, captured candidly, weave an emotive narrative into your photos, making each shot unique and charming. Set up boating-related games or offer tasks that involve water toys or boating equipment, such as tying knots.

The resulting mix of concentration, joy, and curiosity these activities elicit makes children’s expressions shine through in your photographs, enhancing their charm and emotional depth.

Tip 5: Choosing the Right Background

Choosing an appropriate background can significantly enhance your photography. A captivating experience can add depth and context to your photos for boating photos.

The vastness of the sea, the distant horizon line, or even another boat passing by can serve as visually compelling backdrops.

Remember, the aim is to balance the focus on the children with enticing environmental details to create a more comprehensive and riveting visual narrative of their seafaring adventure.

Tip 6: Use Action Shots

Boating trips with children offer a wealth of dynamic, action-packed moments that, when captured, can inject life and excitement into your photos.

Kids splashing in the water, skillfully balancing on the boat’s edge, or even daring to jump into the sea are prime examples of engaging, high-energy action shots.

To successfully freeze these fleeting moments, optimize your camera settings. Faster shutter speeds and continuous shooting mode will allow you to capture multiple images rapidly, ensuring you don’t miss that critical moment of action.

With practice and patience, capturing these energetic scenes will elevate your boating photography to new heights.

Tip 7: Experiment with Angles and Perspectives

Using various angles and perspectives breathes creativity and diversity into your boating photos, turning them into well-rounded visual narratives.

Don’t hesitate to experiment, capture shimmering reflections on the water, or shoot from diverse vantage points – high above or low on the deck.

Consider taking photos from the boat’s bow, framing the children playing below. This change in perspective provides a unique viewpoint and adds depth and dimension to your images.

The result will be captivating shots that stand out in your collection for their originality and visual richness.

Tip 8: Include the Surroundings

Remember to capture the children and the beautiful environment around them. Incorporating the boat or the surrounding landscape can provide context and enhance the photograph’s visual appeal.

When combined creatively, these elements can add depth to your photos, making them more than just portraits—turning them into comprehensive narratives of the children’s boating adventures.

Try to frame the children using parts of the boat like sails, mast, or railing. A breathtaking sunset or the coastline’s compelling vista can make for stunning backdrops.

Focusing on the entire scene and the children, you turn a simple snapshot into a captivating composition that tells a vivid story.

Tip 9: Editing Photos

Editing Photos
Photo: Mylovelyboat Team

Post-production plays a significant role in creating the perfect boating photo. Basic editing skills like cropping, adjusting exposure, and color correction can significantly improve your final images.

Furthermore, sharpening details or enhancing shadows can give your photos a professional touch and make them stand out.

Utilize software applications such as Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop, or even smartphone apps like Snapseed to make minor edits that elevate your photos.

Before-and-after examples demonstrate how simple adjustments can drastically change an image into a professional-looking composition.

Tip 10: Preserve and Share Moments

After capturing and editing your boating photos, the final step is preserving and sharing these cherished memories.

Sharing these images with friends and family can bring joy and spark stories of incredible experiences on the water.

Consider creating a photo book, framing your favorite shots, or displaying them using digital photo frames.

These methods allow you to showcase your beautiful boating memories and keep the joy alive for years.

Tips for Maintaining Your Camera Equipment on a Boat

Proper maintenance of your camera equipment is crucial while on a boating trip. Here are some essential tips:

  • Pack appropriately: Include protective gear such as lens caps and cases to safeguard your equipment from potential damage.
  • Protect against moisture: Use silica gel packs in your bag to absorb moisture and prevent fungus formation on lenses.
  • Avoid direct sunlight: Try to keep your camera in the shade. Prolonged sun exposure can damage the camera sensor.
  • Regular cleaning: Use a blower or brush to keep the lens dust-free. A microfiber cloth can clean smudges on the lens without scratching it.
  • Battery care: Keep spare batteries in a dry, cool place to preserve their lifespan and efficiency while on the boat.

These small precautions can keep your camera pristine, ensuring the highest quality photos of your kids’ boating adventures.

Tips for Taking Great Boating Photos of Kids With Smartphones

Tips for Taking Great Boating Photos of Kids With Smartphones
Photo: Mylovelyboat Team

Photography is all about using light to your advantage. When shooting photos of your kids on a boat, natural light is your best friend.

Bright, direct sunlight can cause harsh shadows and overexposure, so try to take photos during the Golden

Hours (just after sunrise or before sunset) when the light is softer and more diffused, creating a warm, desirable glow.

2. Playing with Perspectives

One of the significant advantages of smartphones is their compact size, allowing you to get creative with angles and perspectives. When photographing kids, try getting down to their eye level.

Doing so can provide a unique viewpoint and make your photos more personal and engaging.

Also, experiment with angles – you might be surprised by what a shot taken from a low or high angle can do to your photos.

3. Capturing Authentic Moments

Kids are most adorable when caught in their natural element – playing, laughing, or curiously exploring the world.

Rather than staging every photo, let the moment unfold naturally and stand by with your smartphone ready.

When you photograph unscripted, candid moments, you’re sure to capture the genuine joy of your child’s boating time.

4. Making Use of Burst Mode

Kids rarely sit still – and that’s part of their charm. The challenge, however, lies in capturing them in action. Your smartphone’s ‘Burst Mode’ feature can help.

It takes several photos quickly, increasing the chances of getting that perfect, spontaneous shot.

Next time your kids are excitedly bouncing around on the boat, play around with this feature.

5. Experimenting with Different Photography Apps

With smartphone technology continually evolving, many photography apps are available.

Apps like Snapseed, Adobe Lightroom Mobile, or VSCO offer a range of editing tools and filters to enhance your photos.

With some experimentation, you can find an app that suits your style, helps you manage potential challenges of boat photography, and truly captures the magic of your kids’ boating adventures.


How Do You Take Good Pictures of a Boat?

Choosing the right composition is key in taking great boat pictures. Use the rule of thirds to frame your shot, creating a balance between the boat and the surrounding elements. Shoot for dramatic lighting effects during the golden hour (sunrise or sunset).

How Should I Pose for a Sea Photo?

For a sea photo, maintain a relaxed stance, like looking across the water, sitting on the boat’s edge, or holding onto the mast.

Interacting with the water or boat makes the image more authentic. Use props like a hat or sunglasses.

Here are 5 Poses

  • Gazing Out: Face the horizon with one hand lightly gripping the boat railing, creating a contemplative and peaceful pose.
  • Seated Serenity: Sit cross-legged at the boat’s edge, leaning back on your arms, and look out at the sea for a relaxed, casual pose.
  • Sailor’s Stance: Stand by the mast or sails with legs slightly apart, gripping the rigging and looking off to the side.
  • Boardwalk Bravado: Approach the boat’s bow and hold onto the railing while leaning forward, like an adventurer peering into unknown waters.
  • Catching the Wind: Hold onto a hat brim or allow your scarf to flutter in the wind, conveying a sense of freedom and movement.

What Are the 5 Basic Camera Settings?

  • Aperture: This affects the depth of field in your photo, determining how much of your image is in sharp focus.
  • Shutter Speed: It controls the length of time the camera shutter is open. Quick shutter speeds freeze action, whilst slower ones can create motion blur.
  • ISO: This influences how sensitive your camera is to light. Higher ISOs allow for brighter photos at the expense of potential noise (grain).
  • White Balance: Adjusting this setting helps attain realistic colors by compensating for different types of light in your environment.
  • Focus: This determines which part of the scene is sharp. It can be set manually or automatically.

What Color Lenses Are Best for Boating?

Polarized lenses in brown or amber shades are ideal for boating. They provide enhanced contrast, reduce glare from the water, and improve depth perception, which helps navigate and see objects clearly in bright conditions.


Following these 10 expert tips, you can master the art of capturing beautiful boating photos of kids. From choosing the right equipment to experimenting with angles and perspectives, each tip will contribute to creating stunning images that provide a lasting reminder of all your precious memories on the water.

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I am a freelance writer passionate about watersports and the great outdoors. I have many years of experience in the marine industry, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge and expertise with others so that they can get the most out of their boating experiences. I like fishing, kayaking, and exploring new destinations by boat whenever I have time. Contact Us: Linkedin

Kaosar Ahamed

owner and writer, mylovelyboat.com

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