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Are you a fan of the water and sharks?
If so, you’re probably familiar with shark boats—those little inflatable rafts that let you float around and enjoy the sun. They’re great for exercising and having fun on the water, but did you know they can also be fun to name?
If you’re looking for inspiration, we’ve got a list of 70 funny shark boat names perfect for your next trip!
Best Shark Boat Names
Shark boats are a great way to enjoy the water and get a little exercise, but they’re also a lot of fun to name.
Here’s a list of the best shark boat names you can use for yours!
White Shark Boat Names
You might be surprised to learn that many shark-related boat names are out there. But it makes sense—after all, if you’re going to have a boat in the water, it’s probably best if you don’t name it “Shark.”
Swamp Shark Boat
if you’re looking for a boat that will take you anywhere, the swamp shark boat is the perfect option. It has a hull that can withstand any environment and an engine that lets you easily cruise through the water.
Metal Shark Boat Names
These are our top picks to get you started if you consider naming your new metal shark boat.
Read More: The 120+ Best Pun Boat Names for Your Next Ride
Sea Shark Boat Names
Sea Shark is the perfect name for your boat if you are a fan of the sea, sharks, and boats. It’s also a great name for a boat that has been in the water for too long without being cleaned because it will likely have a lot of rust.
Kunkka Shark Boat Names
Read More: Top 280+ Family Boat Name Ideas That Are Cool
Shark Cat Boat Names
Not everyone is lucky enough to have a name that rolls off the tongue when you say it. If you’re looking for some inspiration, we’ve compiled a list of the most popular names for shark catboats.
Shark Circling Boat Names
Shark Circling Boat Names are a great way to ensure you don’t forget about your friends. The names include “Sharky”, “Sharkbait”, and “Slim’s Last Chance”.
How Do I Choose a Name for My Shark Boat?
You may wonder how to pick the perfect name for your new shark boat. There are several things to consider when choosing a name for your new boat:
What does “Shark Boat” mean?
It’s a nickname for a type of boat invented by Shark Boat, LLC in 2021. The company made other types of boats before then too. The “shark” part refers to how these boats have fins on their sides like sharks do—but they aren’t sharks! They’re just boats with fins on their sides that you can ride in.
How long have Shark Boats been around?
Shark Boats have been around since 2021, when Shark Boat, LLC first began manufacturing them for sale to consumers worldwide via their website and mall kiosks across America (and later Europe).
What is the difference between a regular boat and a Shark Boat?
Regular boats come in all shapes and sizes, but they don’t go very fast or far without fuel or any other motor attached (unless they’re being pulled by something else).