Boat names are a lot like people. You can’t just name your boat whatever comes to mind, or you risk ending up with a vessel that has no personality.
But if you take the time to find the right name for your boat, it can be like having an old friend at sea with you—promising adventure and excitement but also providing comfort and calm when things get rough.
That’s why we’ve put together this list of 190 cool boat names for inspiration!
Really Cool Boat Names
A boat name is a pretty big deal. It can be short, it can be long, but it should always have some meaning to the owner. If you are looking for a cool boat name, here are a few ideas that might inspire you.
Cool Female Boat Names
It’s a fact that boat names are a way of life. And while many people name their boats after people they know, it might be time to consider naming your boat after someone you love—or even yourself!
Here are some cool female boat names to get you started:
Cool Unique Boat Names
Have you ever thought about what you would name your boat? If you’re like us, you’ve probably considered a few different options. But if you want something that’s truly unique, here are some great ideas for boat names:
Cool Funny Boat Names
Boat names can be fun and creative, or they can be boring. But there’s no doubt that a good boat name is one that sticks with you—and these are sure to do just that.
Cool Clever Boat Names
If you’re looking for boat names that are both creative and clever, look no further. We’ve got everything from nautical puns to pop culture references that are bound to make your friends jealous!
Here are some of our favorite clever boat names:
Cool Family Boat Names
Boat names are a lot of fun to think about, but they can also be tough to come up with. So we’ve gathered together some of our favorite family boat names for you to use as inspiration!
Cool black boat names
Cool Boat Names from Movies
There’s no shortage of inspiration when it comes to boat names. From the classics like “The Black Pearl” to the newest blockbuster hit “Dead Pool,” we’ve got movie-inspired boat names that are just waiting for you to claim them as your own!
Cool Viking Boat Names
Vikings were some of the best seafarers in history. They explored, traded, and raided all over Europe, Asia, and Africa. The Vikings had a great sense of humor, so many Viking boat names are very funny. Here are some examples:
This is a list of cool Viking boat names for you to use on your next voyage!